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the Head Office of IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH is located at – Plot no 153, K-7, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751003. These terms and conditions apply to work done from any office of IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH Limited or of companies within the IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH group of companies.

Primary area of business

The primary area of business for IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH is (but is not limited to) providing design and development resources for Website Publishing, designing, development, software application development, mobile application development, IT Support services, Hosting services, Quality Analysis (QA) and Digital Media. IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH also specializes in providing highly focused E-marketing solutions such as Digital Marketing (SEO) Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click (PPC), e-communication strategy, Data Analysis, Reporting, and research.

IDHYHA CREATIVES undertakes projects on a time and materials basis.
  • All fees are estimated and exclusive of VAT or any other taxes as may be applicable, Estimates are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
  • Payment terms are based on prior weekly or monthly bookings which are allocations of the developer resources.
  • The client is allocated dedicated resource(s) along with the necessary functional support staff such as a Team Leader or Project Manager if requested (based on the service commissioned).
Quality of Service

You deserve to have your work carried out to the highest possible standard and in an understanding and timely manner and we will always try and exceed your expectations. We value quality very highly and look to pass that on to our clients at every opportunity.

Our values are our commitment to you
  • We will act with the utmost integrity, displaying integrity, professional dedication, and courtesy at all times. All correspondence such as emails and phone calls will be dealt with promptly
  • We will provide you with an alternative contact if the person you are looking for is unavailable.
  • We will give clear and concise information regarding your inquiry and the associated estimate and also about the project
  • if you decide to place a booking.
  • We are also long-standing members of the International Association of Outsourcing Providers.
  • We guarantee high-quality and cost-effective services
How You Can Help
  • Please make sure you give us clear instructions to allow us to effectively provide an accurate estimate and work to the best of our abilities on the project.
  • Reply promptly to communications. The developer is on a dedicated basis, it is important he or she has tasks at all times to avoid delays (any delays may increase the time required to complete the project).
  • Please tell us if you are going to be away or unable to respond to requests for information.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the service being provided please tell us. We cannot resolve a problem we are unaware of.
  • Please regularly check your Online Project Management Area, IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH Projects (DSP) area as well as emails. We will be directing a good deal of your project communications through both.
What we will not do
  • Work on a live server (unless specified). We will supply a sandbox server for development (Digital Marketing (SEO) work does take place on the live server)
  • Hold the only set of data; please give us test data or a copy of the live DB
  • We will not fill the developers’ day; you are requested to supply tasks at all times
  • Tolerate abuse of staff members
  • Contact end customers directly; projects are done in the strictest confidence
  • Outsource your work to a third party
Acceptance of Services

At various intervals throughout a project, you will be asked to view, test, and sign off certain sections. As a project is a combination of these smaller sections we ask this is done in a timely manner; delay in this process can cause delay to the project as a whole and delay the overall timeframe.

Once IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH has fulfilled the obligated booking period purchased or the project has been completed the project shall be tested accordingly. If any failure to pass the test results from a defect that is caused by an act of omission of you, or by one of your subcontractors or agents, the project will be deemed to have passed the test notwithstanding such non-ZCOdeo LLP defect. We may provide assistance reasonably requested by you in relation to supplying a suitable remedy for any non-IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH defect by supplying additional services. These would be offered at the current fees and prices. Back-up: it is the client’s responsibility to ensure they have a backup of the work. We recommend taking back-ups of the work at all stages (we recommend an automated scheduled back-up, which can be set up alongside any work by our server technicians). Live servers, all development work takes place “off-site” on a Sandbox environment provided by us (Digital Marketing (SEO) work does take place on the live server). On occasion, it may be requested that development takes place on live servers (time constraints, upon client request, licensing reasons for example). This is done so at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for any impact this may have on either the live site or your ability to work. We strongly recommend the use of a Sandbox server.

Our Invoices
  • Payment of the advance / first invoice is an acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • The charges are calculated in accordance with Dotsquares’ standard rates (which can be amended on one month’s
  • prior notice to you) as follows:
    1. Weekly rates are calculated on the basis of an eight (8) hour per day, working a five (5) day week.
    2. Daily rates are calculated on the basis of an eight (8) hour per day.
    3. Bucket rates are calculated on the basis of 10, 20, and 40 hours being held against your project, all of which must
  • be used within six (6) months of the time of booking.
  • All invoices must be paid in the currency in which they are issued.
  • Our invoices are issued before we start the work and need to be reconciled in order for the work to commence. Your project may be put on hold temporarily whilst your payment on invoices is outstanding and in that event, we reserve the right to remove project files from our servers.
  • Unless otherwise stated all prices are exclusive of VAT or any other taxes as may be applicable, which shall where applicable be charged by IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH to you at the current rate.
Limitation of Liability
  • This sets out the entire financial liability of IDHYHA CREATIVES (including any liability for acts or omissions of its employees, agents or consultants) to you in respect of:
    1. Any breach of these Terms & Conditions;
    2. Any use made by you of the Service, the project, or any part of them; and
    3. Any representation, statement or action contrary to contract law or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with these Terms & Conditions.
  • Nothing in these Terms & Conditions limits or excludes the liability of IDHYHA CREATIVES for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us. Subject to paragraphs 11(2) and 11(4) IDHYHA CREATIVES shall not be liable for:
    1. Loss of Profits;
    2. Loss of Business;
    3. Depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses;
    4. Loss of anticipated savings;
    5. Loss or corruption of data or information, or;
    6. Any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses
  1. Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH may have we reserve the right to terminate the project or services without liability to you if:
  2. You fail to pay any amount due to us on the due date for payment and remain in default not less than 7 days after being notified in writing to make such payment.
  3. You commit a material breach of any of our other terms and conditions of business, where the breach is incapable of remedy, or (if the breach is capable of remedy) you fail to remedy the breach within 14 days after being notified in writing to do so.
  4. You breach any of our terms and conditions of business in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that your conduct is inconsistent with your having the intention or ability to give effect to the terms of the agreement between us.
  5. You are made bankrupt, a winding-up order is made against you or you become subject to any insolvency procedure including administration, liquidation, or a voluntary arrangement with your creditors pursuant to the Insolvency Act 1986 or other insolvency legislation
  6. During development the project becomes unworkable or undeliverable, except where this arises from a fault on IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH part.
On termination of the project for any reason
  1. You shall immediately pay to us all of IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH outstanding unpaid invoices and interest (if any), in respect of services supplied but for which no invoice has been submitted, we may submit an invoice, which shall be payable immediately on receipt.
  2. We reserve the right to apply interest at 8% above the Bank of England base rate per annum, calculated on a daily basis on any ledger account or individual invoice unpaid after thirty days from the date of the invoice date. Alternatively, at our discretion, we may decide to apply the provisions of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
  3. All outstanding invoices subject to clause 12.2.2 will be immediately due and payable, regardless of the date of the invoice. In addition, you will be liable to pay us any costs arising in the pursuance of recovery of overdue invoices, howsoever incurred.
  4. All licenses granted by IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH under the project shall terminate.
  5. The accrued rights of IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH and liabilities of you as at termination shall not be affected.
  • The Customer must notify IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH in writing during the 30-day Warranty Period if the Customer identifies an error in the code/system/program written by IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH. Once it has been agreed IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH will correct any errors that we made in the construction of the code/system/program at no cost. Under no circumstances will a partial/full refund will be acknowledged. IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH reserves the right to define a bug/error.
  • IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH will not be liable under the below clauses:
    1. If the error is not notified to the IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH in writing during the Warranty Period;
    2. If the error cannot be verified or reproduced by IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH.
    3. If and to the extent that the error is caused by infringement by the Customer or involvement of developer/freelancer/company not related to IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH.
    4. If the software/programs/scripts (but not limited to) were written or developed by a developer/freelancer/company who is not related to IDHYHA CREATIVES & TECH or is in a partially finished state.
    5. Due to a change in configuration of server / hosting at customer end
    6. We make no warranties or representations that your code/system/program will be commercially profitable or succeed in any other intended purpose you may have for it. These involve many factors beyond our control.
    7. Involvement of 3rd Party developer/freelancer/company during or after completion of work (in such cases we will need to be notified prior to project commencement)
    8. You will meet the cost of any time spent tracking bugs due to data content uploaded by a customer or 3rd Party which subsequently causes problems or bugs.

Interested in working with us?

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& What you will get:

  • On-call inquiry assistance
  • Project consulting by exports
  • Detailed project estimation


We are all over the world


Plot no 153, K-7, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751003

United State

850 N 5th St, Phoenix, AZ 85004, suite# h130, US


CMS Africa building, Chania avenue, Nairobi Kenya


4, Oyeyemi Street, Owotutu B/Stop, Pedro, Lagos, Nigeria


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